Our Team

From the Programme Management Office in Ambon, the NZMATES team provides technical assistance on renewable energy development throughout Maluku Province.

Programme structure

NZMATES is funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), and  implemented through a three-way Partnership Arrangement with EBTKE and PLN to jointly coordinate and provide direction for this programme. The programme is being delivered by New Zealand-based renewable energy company Infratec Ltd and Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia.


NZMATES programme partners: PMO staff, NZ Embassy staff, with representatives from EBTKE, PLN, Mercy Corps Indonesia and Infratec Ltd.



Safitri Yanti Baharuddin

Programme Manager

Safitri Yanti Baharuddin has over 12 years of experience in the non-profit sector, including in…

Kitty Garden

Programme Advisor

Kitty Garden is an international development specialist from Aotearoa New Zealand who joined the…

Usep Nuraen

Senior Renewable Energy Technical Specialist

Usep Nuraen has more than 10 years' professional experience working as a technical engineer in the…

Isra Amin Ali

Senior Community Engagement Officer

From the community and back to the community. Isra Amin Ali has experience working and studying…

Munawir S

Field Coordinator

Munawir S has more than 8 years of experience working in renewable energy programmes in several…

Rosdiani Rachim

Senior Stakeholder Engagement and Partnership Officer

Rosdiani Rachim boasts nearly 40 years of experience as an academic, spending 20 years as a…

Marie De Fretes

Monitoring Evaluation Learning and Reporting Specialist

Marie Irene de Fretes has 11 years of experience working in non-government organizations, including…

Fahmi Basya

Renewable Energy Technical Specialist

Fahmi Basya has an educational background in Instrumentation Physics. Upon graduating from…

Alven Fidel Lokollo

Renewable Energy Technical Assistance (RETA)

Alven Fidel Lokollo graduated from Department of Electrical Engineering Ambon State Polytechnic in…

Wean Guspa Upadhi

Senior Communication Officer

Wean Guspa Upadhi has over six years of experience in communications and media strategy. He began…

Soeripno Martosaputro

Renewable Energy Technical Manager

Soeripno has over 23 years of experience as a Senior Researcher at the National Institute of…

Rifay Toisutta

Logistics and Procurement Officer

Rifay Toisutta has more than 12 years experience in Administration, Logistics and Procurement.  He…

Shendy Sofyan Raiman

Senior Programme Administrator

Shendy Sofyan Raiman has over a decade of experience in non-profit organization. He has worked…

Jean Latumahina

Senior Finance and Admin Officer

Jean has more than 10 years’ experience working in NGOs, mainly in finance and human resources…

Maharani Sarah Holle

Renewable Energy Technical Officer

Maharani Holle graduated from the department of Engineering Physics, Institute Technology 10…

Putri Anjani Hatuina

Renewable Energy Technical Officer

Putri Anjani, who goes by her nickname Puja, was a final year engineering student at Pattimura …