NZMATES News 2024-12-21

Inauguration of the Micro-hydro Equipment Simulator and Solar La…

After completion, the supporting equipment for the Micro-hydro and Solar Energy laboratory was officially inaugurated. The inauguration ceremony was attended…
NZMATES News 2024-12-21

Studi Socio-Environmental dan Financial Analysis Tidal

NZMATES supported tidal current research in the Saparua Strait and Rosenberg Strait, Tual, Southeast Maluku in 2023 conducted in cooperation between…
NZMATES News 2024-12-21

The Importance of Regional Energy Planning: NZMATES Conducts Mas…

As a foundation for the importance of regional energy provision and planning, particularly the Regional Energy General Plan (RUED), NZMATES conducted an…
NZMATES News 2024-10-22

Politeknik Negeri Ambon and NZMATES Hold Workshop on Renewable E…

As part of its efforts to advance education in the field of renewable energy, Politeknik Negeri Ambon (Polnam) held a workshop on the development of a…
NZMATES News 2024-10-03

Basic Training on Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclus…

To encourage the local government to design regulations and policies for gender mainstreaming in the energy sector in Maluku, New Zealand-Maluku Access to…
NZMATES News 2024-09-05

Training for Solar Power Plant Operators and Youth of Pulau Tiga

  Although the 75 kWp microgrid solar power plant revitalisation project on Pulau Tiga has been completed, the project does not stop at the physical…
NZMATES News 2024-09-02

Training on the Operation and Maintenance of Remote Solar Microg…

So far, the main challenges in implementing renewable energy have been related to operation and maintenance, which is crucial for the sustainability of solar…
NZMATES News 2024-09-02

NZMATES, ADB, and PLN Visit Refurbishment of 75 kWp Solar Microg…

Following the revitalisation of the Refurbishment of 75 kWp Solar Microgrid on Pulau Tiga, PLN Maluku and North Maluku (MMU), along with NZMATES and the Asian…
NZMATES News 2024-08-30

Batch-2 Training for Operators in the Operation and Maintenance…

New Zealand Maluku Access to Renewable Energy Support (NZMATES) conducted a training session on the operation and maintenance of Solar Power Systems (PLTS)…