Following other regions in Indonesia, Maluku established the Maluku Energy Forum (FEM) as an effort to encourage renewable energy transition in accordance with the general objectives of the regional energy plan (RUED) and encourage the achievement of RENSTRA targets. Regional Regulation No. 1 Year 2022 has regulated institutional membership consisting of elements of the Regional Government, Regency/City Regional Government, academics, professional associations, business actors and users. It is hoped that this can facilitate the energy transition process and as a space to encourage cooperation, share knowledge, build collaborative synergies among stakeholders, and answer challenges that have been encountered in the energy sector in Maluku.
The first event held by this forum was the 1st Maluku Energi Forum 2024 with the theme ‘Synergising to Accelerate the Energy Transition in Maluku’. Held on 20 & 21 November 2024, the Forum was attended by representatives from the New Zealand Embassy to Indonesia, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as stakeholders in the Province to Regency/City. As part of the forum, there was also a parallel side event containing a presentation of a renewable energy innovation
Gissle Larcombe, Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of New Zealand in Jakarta, in her speech said: ‘The New Zealand government is pleased to support the Indonesian government's efforts to accelerate its energy transition through cooperation in renewable energy development, with a particular focus on Eastern Indonesia.
‘We will continue to work with and support the Government of Indonesia through programmes in renewable energy development, including solar and geothermal power, and assist in capacity building for knowledge transfer between New Zealand and Indonesia,’ said Ms. Larcombe.
Head of the Maluku Province Energy and Mineral Resources Agency, Abdul Haris in his speech emphasised the importance of collaboration between the government, the private sector and the community in achieving the energy transition target set in the Maluku Province RUED 2022-2050.
‘We are optimistic that with the establishment of the Maluku Energy Forum, efforts to accelerate the use of renewable energy in Maluku can be more structured so that the energy transition process is faster. So that this forum can be a catalyst in overcoming various challenges that have hindered the energy transition process, especially in terms of energy access in remote areas, said Mr. Haris.
Haris also added that this synergy will certainly be very helpful in developing technical capacity and adopting more modern technology for Maluku Province.
Safitri Yanti Baharuddin, NZMATES Programme Manager, said that this initiative is in line with NZMATES' mission to support the acceleration of energy transition in Maluku through capacity building, technological innovation, and sustainable cooperation.
‘This forum has great potential to expand collaboration in accelerating the utilisation of renewable energy in Maluku, both through solar power plants, hydro, and other renewable energy innovations. NZMATES also hopes to continue to provide technical support and open opportunities for renewable energy projects that have been exemplified, can be duplicated in other regions in Maluku Province, as well as Indonesia,’ Ms Baharuddin explained.
In closing, Ms Baharuddin said that the 1st Maluku Energy Forum 2024 is expected to be a concrete first step in accelerating the implementation of sustainable energy solutions in Maluku and creating significant positive impacts on basic community services, the environment, and improving the regional economy. In addition, in order to be sustainable, it is expected not only to support infrastructure to be built but how to maintain and operate properly so that investments are not in vain and can be maximally utilised by the community.