Residents of Pulau Tiga, which consists of 56 households and a small resort, currently rely on a diesel generator that operates only 12 hours a day for electricity access. Consider the economic and livelihood potential that residents of Pulau Tiga could achieve with reliable electricity access, supporting PLN in the refurbishment of Pulau Tiga solar PV mini-grid was one of the first projects initiated by NZMATES.
The project is funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade through the NZMATES programme as part of its commitment to deliver long-lasting, reliable, and affordable renewable energy to Maluku province.
The project faced some challenges and delays over the past 2 years because of the Covid-19 pandemic. However this year, the improved situation has allowed for the signing of a project agreement between PLN and Mercy Corps Indonesia, which was handed over in a formal ceremony on Monday, May 23rd, 2022. This marks a significant milestone for the project, and the procurement process will begin this month. Thank you PLN, for featuring NZMATES profile in SULMAPANA bulletin May 2022 edition.