NZMATES News 2024-12-22
Green Exhibition: A Hub for Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration and…
As part of the 1st Maluku Energy Forum 2024, the Green Exhibition served as a meeting point for multi-stakeholder engagement and renewable energy innovation in…
NZMATES News 2024-12-22
Presentation of Renewable Energy Business Investment Plans in Ma…
One of the key challenges addressed through the 1st Maluku Energy Forum 2024 is the development of electricity and renewable energy investments. This challenge…
NZMATES News 2024-12-22
Preparing Maluku's Youth for Careers in the Renewable Energ…
Maluku possesses abundant renewable energy potential. However, its primary energy needs are still largely met by fossil fuels. With its rich resources, Maluku…
NZMATES News 2024-12-22
Workshop on Mainstreaming GEDSI in the Renewable Energy Sector i…
During the Side Event of the 1st Maluku Energy Forum 2024, the NZMATES held a workshop on Mainstreaming GEDSI (Gender Equality, Disability, and Social…
NZMATES News 2024-12-22
GENIUS: The Crucible for Maluku's Youth in Renewable Energy…
First Renewable Energy Innovation Competition in Maluku Province has provided a platform for creative ideas and served the younger generation. They are the…
NZMATES News 2024-12-22
1st Maluku Energy Forum 2024: Synergising to Accelerate the Ener…
Following other regions in Indonesia, Maluku established the Maluku Energy Forum (FEM) as an effort to encourage renewable energy transition in accordance with…
NZMATES News 2024-12-22
The Development of the Pūngao Pattimura Mini-Grid Laboratory int…
Since its inauguration on 4 July 2022, the Pūngao Pattimura Mini-grid Laboratory has become a vital facility for supporting renewable energy education at…
NZMATES News 2024-12-22
Study on Mapping of Potential and Existing Infrastructure Renewa…
Maluku Province boasts abundant renewable energy resources. However, the region remains heavily reliant on fossil-fuel power plants. NZMATES programme is…
NZMATES News 2024-12-22