As part of NZMATES efforts to build RE-related capacities of work health and safety, NZMATES together with Dinas ESDM held "Electrical Power Hazard and Industrial Workplace Safety Training for Solar Plant System". The 3 days training was carried for three days from May 23rd, 2022, to May 25th, 2022.
Staffs from Dinas PPSDM KEBTKE Jakarta delivered the training which was attended by solar rooftop operator/technicians for government owned building and the staffs at UNPATTI Solar Lab. Head of Dinas ESDM Maluku and Programme Manager, Safitri Baharuddin gave welcoming remarks to open the training. Followed by pre-test session for participants before proceeding to constitutional system. Whilst second and third day scheduled for field practice at Pūngao Pattimura Mini Grid Lab.
Outcome expected from this training is an increase in technical skills as well as knowledge regarding safety work procedure.