The Provincial General Energy Plan (RUED) of Maluku was established on 18 April 2022. However, its implementation still faces challenges, particularly the lack of local regulations to support renewable energy development and energy conservation. This is crucial to align renewable energy programmes with national targets. Therefore, NZMATES is conducting a study to analyse and propose new or improved regulations, focusing on reviewing national and regional policies, including PERDA No. 1 of 2022 on RUED.
This study will include a comprehensive review of existing regulations, inclusive stakeholder engagement, and careful monitoring to ensure the policies are practical, effective, and sustainable.
The implementation of RUED in Maluku Province still requires institutional efforts to ensure its goals are met. The RUED document recommends the formation of an external institution to provide strategic input, guidance, and momentum for implementation. This working group will oversee programme development, provide updates and evaluations, and coordinate with stakeholders involved in energy initiatives in the province.
By strengthening the regulatory framework and increasing institutional capacity, Maluku will be better positioned to achieve its renewable energy targets and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.