New Zealand-Maluku Access to Renewable Energy Support (NZMATES) has once again extended its support to PT PLN’s Regional Unit for Maluku and North Maluku (MMU). This time, NZMATES conducted a comprehensive training focusing on "Lifecycle Cost of Renewable Energy Assets" and "Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and Asset Management." The training was designed for the planning and generation teams of PLN MMU and was delivered by Mansoor Shah, Senior Energy Engineer from Infratec who travelled to Ambon from New Zealand. The primary objective of the training was to equip the teams with valuable insights to enhance their feasibility studies and the refurbishment process of solar photovoltaic power plants.
The first day of the training commenced with Mansoor Shah enlightening the generation team on the crucial topic of "Lifecycle Cost of Renewable Energy Assets." Four core subjects formed the essence of this session, namely PLN business dynamics, asset investment processes, insightful case studies, and robust asset investment strategies. The participants were enthusiastic and attentive throughout the training, and actively engaged in asking pertinent questions, aiming to grasp any contextual differences between the Indonesian setting, particularly in Maluku Province, and New Zealand.
The significance of the asset investment process cannot be understated, as it empowers PLN MMU to identify issues, develop effective solutions, formulate long-term plans, and ascertain the optimal cost options throughout the lifecycle of assets and installations to justify project initiatives.
On day two, the focus shifted to the generation team. They were presented with crucial insights into "O&M and Asset Management." Mansoor Shah covered several pivotal topics during this session, including asset management basics, asset owner O&M rankings, and fiscal management. The comprehensive discussions on asset management basics encompassed engineering asset management, operations, and maintenance aspects.
Moreover, the team was well-versed in asset owner O&M ranking, delving into the significance of operation & maintenance levels and predicting outcomes based on rankings. Beyond technical aspects, fiscal management was also elucidated, empowering the generation team at PLN MMU with knowledge on lifecycle costs, return on investment (ROI), replacement strategy ideas, and the art of setting realistic targets.