Indonesia EBTKE ConEx 2021 Forum is an integrated event dedicated to driving the growth and development of sustainable energy in Indonesia. The event presents an opportunity for all stakeholders, such as the government, private sector, as well as international and national organisations, to stay informed about the latest updates and innovations in renewable energy. This year, NZMATES hosted a virtual class on Wednesday 24th November, “Lessons Learned on Sustainability of Renewable Energy Mini Grids”.
The session started with a presentation from Desmon Simatupang, who gave presentation on sustainability of RE Mini Grids in Maluku and Maluku Utara, derived from a recently published paper in which NZMATES Programme Manager, Safitri Baharuddin was also one of the co-writers. In the second presentation, Imam Askolani, Renewable Energy Advisor at GIZ, shared the results of GIZ’s monitoring and evaluation survey of mini-grids from 2019. The last presentation was from NZMATES Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Reporting Specialist, Dintani Naimah, who shared NZMATES’ own sustainability guidelines, based on detailed assessments of 15 mini-grids in Maluku. Each presentation session was followed by a lively question-and-answer session. Participants actively addressed the speakers with their questions, contributing to a fruitful discussion.
That same afternoon, in a separate session hosted by RESD (Renewable Energy Sustainable Development programme), NZMATES Programme Advisor, Kitty Garden gave a presentation in a panel discussion, “Building Synergy for Renewable Energy Skills Development in Indonesia: Opportunities through International Cooperation.”
NZMATES partner, Pattimura University, also participated in this session, along with representatives from Government, private sector, international agencies and educational institutions. PLN MMU participated in a separate RESD-hosted session on November 23rd, on "The Role of Government and the Private Sector in Developing Human Resources to Support Indonesia's Energy Transition.”
This yearly event is an opportunity to exchange ideas, perspectives, and the latest technological innovations in the development of sustainable energy in Indonesia. NZMATES would like to thank our partners and those who have taken the time to join us in these sessions.
Note: to view the presentation materials, please click here and to view the recording, please click here