New Zealand-Maluku Access to Renewable Energy Support (NZMATES) provided assistance in designing and assessing the feasibility of hybrid solar power generation systems for 23 locations in the 2023 Village Electrification Program (LisDes) in Maluku Province. This assistance was extended to PT PLN (Persero) Regional Unit for Maluku and North Maluku (MMU) from Monday, August 28, 2023, to September 1, 2023, at the meeting hall of PLN’s Customer Service Implementation Unit (UP3) PLN Ternate, North Maluku.
The forum was attended by staff from the central planning unit, planning and generation staff from UP3 Ambon, Tual, Saumlaki, Ternate, and Tobelo, as well as staff from UP2K Maluku and UP2K Maluku Utara. With the guidance of NZMATES, staff from each unit conducted a 24-hour Load Profile design based on field surveys and system modelling using HOMER Pro software at the planned LisDes programme locations to be implemented within their respective areas. The modelling results were then analysed for technical and financial feasibility to be compiled into a project feasibility study (FS).
Despite the limited time available for modelling systems at these 23 locations, all the attending PLN MMU staff were able to successfully follow each phase of the work during the activities. As a result, all locations were completed according to the set targets. Furthermore, NZMATES' assistance will continue until the FS documents are completed by PLN MMU.