Rosdiani Rachim boasts nearly 40 years of experience as an academic, spending 20 years as a lecturer at Hasanuddin University in Makassar. Ani taught courses in English, Library/Information Science, and Study Skills. Alongside her teaching duties, she actively engaged in research and participated as a practitioner in gender and child-related fields. Moreover, Rosdiani has over 20 years of experience as an advisor, provincial coordinator, monitoring and evaluation expert, and program coordinator for various national and international donor agencies, aiding the Indonesian government in the development of basic education, higher education, child protection, and community initiatives.
During periods without full-time employment contracts, Ani has worked as a consultant for document translation and seminar/workshop interpretation, particularly from English to Bahasa Indonesia and vice versa. Her hobbies include reading, traveling, and singing. She believes that listening to music keeps her motivated to contribute to the realization of a just and prosperous Indonesian society.
As the Senior Stakeholder Engagement and Partnership Officer at NZMATES, Ani will lead, build, and maintain positive relationships with stakeholders in Ambon, Jakarta, and other regions in Indonesia, as well as represent NZMATES' work at the international level. She will provide guidance on local context, cultural norms, political dynamics, and regulatory requirements, and lead the development of training partnerships and implementation of NZMATES' training activities. She strives to enhance stakeholders' understanding and promote the growth of institutional framework research in the energy sector.