NZMATES News 2022-07-26

NZMATES and UNPATTI Launches Pūngao Pattimura Mini-grid Training…

On July 4th, 2022, NZMATES held the inauguration ceremony of the Pūngao Pattimura Mini-grid Training Lab. The inauguration ceremony was attended by…
NZMATES News 2022-07-20

Dissemination Event for Maluku Provincial Energy Plan (RUED) 202…

On Thursday, 30th June 2022, Dinas ESDM Maluku with the support of NZMATES programme held a dissemination event for Maluku's Provincial Energy Plan (RUED) 2022…
NZMATES News 2022-07-12

Tender Announcement: PLTS Refurbishment on Tiga Island

The NZMATES programme’s main goal is to support the uptake of affordable, reliable and renewable energy in Maluku Province. Acknowledging that the NZ…
NZMATES News 2022-06-15

NZMATES Holds 6th PSG Meeting in Jakarta

After two years of online meetings due to the Covid-19 pandemic, NZMATES' sixth bi-annual Programme Steering Group (PSG) Meeting  was finally held offline on…
NZMATES News 2022-06-09

Agreement Signed for Pulau Tiga Refurbishment Project

Residents of Pulau Tiga, which consists of 56 households and a small resort, currently rely on a diesel generator that operates only 12 hours a day for…
NZMATES News 2022-06-02

NZMATES with Dinas ESDM Held Electrical Hazard and Industrial Wo…

As part of NZMATES efforts to build RE-related capacities of work health and safety, NZMATES together with Dinas ESDM held "Electrical Power Hazard and…
NZMATES News 2022-05-09

NZMATES Holds 7th Technical Committee Meeting

NZMATES held its 7th Technical Committee (TC) meeting virtually on Thursday, 7th April 2022. The meeting was facilitated by the Maluku Development Planning…
NZMATES News 2022-03-08

NZMATES First Field Trip Since the Pandemic

February began with the first field trip since the pandemic started. The trip was made to conduct field surveys and technical assessments on the feasibility of…
NZMATES News 2022-02-09

NZMATES Tender - Training programme development for solar lab

TENDER ANNOUNCEMENT Mercy Corps Indonesia (MCI) is an affiliate of  Mercy Corps Global, an international non-profit organization that works in more than 40…