NZMATES, ADB, and PLN Visit Refurbishment of 75 kWp Solar Microgrid Pulau Tiga

Following the revitalisation of the Refurbishment of 75 kWp Solar Microgrid on Pulau Tiga, PLN Maluku and North Maluku (MMU), along with NZMATES and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), conducted a site visit on Friday, 17 May 2024, as part of the 2023 Annual Verification Mission Result Based Load (RBL) for ADB Kalimantan, Maluku, and Papua (KMP). During this visit, PLN sought NZMATES' assistance in providing support to the PLN, ADB, and Interim Verification (IVA) teams regarding knowledge sharing on engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC), community interviews, and a joint inspection of the project.

During the visit, IVA consultants, appointed by ADB, inquired extensively with NZMATES about the revitalisation process of the refurbishment of 75 kWp Solar Microgrid on Pulau Tiga, from the tender process to the project oversight of the appointed EPC. As a result, ADB gave positive feedback on the project's execution. Upon comparison with several other solar power projects in Maluku Province, the Pulau Tiga refurbishment stood out. This success was attributed to the excellent collaboration between NZMATES and the EPC contractor. Effective supervision and mentoring were key to achieving optimal results.

This visit focused heavily on evaluating the process. ADB highlighted that the efficient and smooth processes observed during the revitalisation should be replicated for future projects to ensure high-quality outcomes. However, ADB stressed the importance of stringent criteria when selecting and appointing EPC contractors. Additionally, ADB emphasized the importance of involving the local community throughout the project, particularly noting the high safety standards and safeguarding measures implemented. The project recorded no workplace accidents, despite the EPC's initial lack of experience in safeguarding. NZMATES' continuous oversight and reminders ensured the successful implementation of these measures.

Through this assessment by the ADB, in addition to the lessons learned by PLN during the Revitalisation of Pulau Tiga project, there will also be future impacts on PLN projects. For example, funding related to the planning of rural electrification (Lisdes) and off-grid systems. It is hoped that the ADB can provide funding to develop PLN projects like the one in Pulau Tiga for other locations. PLN MMU has submitted RE penetration data. This data is used to record PLN's kWh production as energy sold and the reduction of fuel consumption at the Pulau Tiga solar power plant.