Training of Trainers at Pūngao Pattimura Mini-Grid Training Lab


From the 12th to the 14th of October 2023, the New Zealand-Maluku Access to Renewable Energy Support (NZMATES) program provided a Solar PV Training of Trainers (ToT) for the Pūngao Pattimura Mini-Grid Laboratory to technicians, operators, students, and faculty members of the Faculty of Engineering (FT) at Pattimura University (Unpatti) in Ambon. This training is provided to enhance and develop their capacity as trainers for renewable energy.

We hope that after this training, a cadre of renewable energy trainers will be capable of imparting their knowledge to Unpatti students and other potential users of the 5 KWp Pūngao Pattimura Mini-Grid Laboratory, which was. Recently established at FT UNPATTI. Through this more targeted support, the capacity and sustainability of the Solar Lab itself can be strengthened.

The ToT participants appeared genuinely engaged throughout the training. They had to master a wide range of materials, starting from solar module measurements, an introduction to photovoltaic power generation components, PLTS simulation design, PLTS system installation, commissioning, and operation and maintenance. Many participants expressed that this was new knowledge for them since these topics had not been covered in previous training sessions. For instance, the use of software like Helioscope, HOMER, and PVSyst was considered to enhance their knowledge in planning and designing PLTS systems. Beyond software, ToT participants also reported gaining a better understanding of new formulas and terms used in the PLTS design process.

Throughout the training, many of the participants appeared genuinely eager to delve into and understand the workings of the solar power system. Attendees also studied the materials presented through modules and e-learning videos provided by the trainer.  In the future, NZMATES will conduct joint training sessions involving both trainers and trainees to ensure that they can teach what they have learned during this Train the Trainer program.