Safitri Yanti Baharuddin

Safitri Yanti Baharuddin has over 12 years of experience in the non-profit sector, including in project liaison, project and budget management, livelihood, economic and community development, and communications. Safitri has worked on programme for Aus-DFAT, JICA, DFATD, MCC-MCA, and Kalla Foundation, among others, through the CARDI, JICA, UNIDO, Oxfam, IOM, and Cowater in Ambon and Makassar. She has significant experience in grant management, building relationships with partners and government, and monitoring and evaluation activities.

Preparing Maluku's Youth for Careers in the Renewable Energy Sector Towards Sustainable Development

Maluku possesses abundant renewable energy potential. However, its primary energy needs are still largely met by fossil fuels. With its rich resources, Maluku holds significant potential to play a key role in Indonesia’s sustainable energy future.

1st Maluku Energy Forum 2024: Synergising to Accelerate the Energy Transition in Maluku

Following other regions in Indonesia, Maluku established the Maluku Energy Forum (FEM) as an effort to encourage renewable energy transition in accordance with the general objectives of the regional energy plan (RUED) and encourage the achievement of RENSTRA targets. Regional Regulation No.

NZMATES Initiates Renewable Energy Policy Analysis for Maluku Province

The Provincial General Energy Plan (RUED) of Maluku was established on 18 April 2022. However, its implementation still faces challenges, particularly the lack of local regulations to support renewable energy development and energy conservation. This is crucial to align renewable energy programmes with national targets.

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